Impact and Business, a powerful combination! [Newsletter 3 Lebanon]

Hello everyone, We’re already nearing the end of this exciting new adventure with Codi Tech. One thing is for sure, I definitely plan on coming back to Lebanon. Before I catch my flight tomorrow morning, here are some fresh updates! Here are the main accomplishments of my mission: 1. Two entrepreneurship workshops in Beirut and…

Omar, a father, electrician, former soldier, and refugee [Newsletter 1 Lebanon]

Hello everyone, How are you? This year, I am participating for the eighth time in a project focused on impact measurement or digitization alongside an exceptional NGO. At each of these opportunities, I have met inspiring entrepreneurs, activists, and changemakers, whether in the Brazilian favelas, the Ugandan jungle, the northern neighborhoods of Marseille, the slums…

The results of our mission [Newsletter 4 Brazil]

Hello to all, Our adventure with the NGO Arca is almost over. For the 7th consecutive year, we had the privilege to share the daily life of a team of incredible activists. When you watch TV, you can sometimes get the blues by telling yourself that the world is going badly. By taking the time…

Our mission at Arca [Newsletter 3 Brazil]

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well.After 3 weeks in Brazil, it’s time to tell you about our respective missions with the NGO Arca. Measuring the impact of an educational program: Like any NGO, measuring impact is a key issue. The team in charge of the Arca Do Saber program has so far built…

The Super Power of the NGO Arca [Newsletter 2 Brazil]

Hi everyone, I hope you are well. We have been in Sao Paulo for two weeks now. With Sarah, we have quietly taken our habits where every morning we go to Arca as part of our mission. The main issues in the Favela de Vila Prudente: What struck me was that most of the 8,000…

From the Favelas of Sao Paulo [Newsletter 1 Brazil]

Hi everyone, How are you doing? For the 7th year in a row, we have taken our balluchon to put our skills at the service of an exceptional NGO during our summer vacations. This year, with Sarah, we propose you to travel with us to Brazil and to discover a Franco-Brazilian organization called Arca Do…

✨ Where will the copyright of the book go ✨

Rencontre avec l’un de mes amis Amadou Dabitao Salut à tous, Un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont déjà commandé. Pour cela, il suffit de répondre à cet email avec votre nom, prénom, tél et adresse postale ainsi qu’un Lydia, Pumpkin au 0652378783 ou virement de 22€ (livraison incluse). Parce que chacun peut avoir…

✨Launch of book pre-orders✨

Salut à tous, Je suis hyper excité de vous annoncer que j’ai reçu les premiers colis de livres de la part de l’imprimeur. Cette aventure a démarré il y a deux ans au début du covid. Pensant qu’il s’agirait d’un projet de quelques mois, je n’avais pas imaginé les multiples allers-retours, corrections, mises à jour,…

✨Can we use financial codes to fight social inequalities?✨

Rencontre avec l’un de mes mentors Alexandre Mars Salut à tous, Comment allez-vous ? J’ai à cœur de vous parler d’Alexandre dans cette newsletter car je dois l’avouer il ne m’a pas seulement inspiré, il m’a aussi convaincu de le rejoindre dans son aventure il y a plus de 6 ans. C’est au cours d’un entretien…

✨ How to keep peace in neighborhoods deserted by the police? ✨

Rencontre avec le Boss politique et militaire du bidonville Un grand merci pour vos retours sur la couverture. Vous avez été 80% à préférer la version en deux Durant l’été 2018, nous nous sommes rendus avec ma sœur Marine pour une mission en plein cœur du bidonville de Kibera au Kenya. Chaque soir, nous rencontrions…

✨ “At 17, she already had the spirit of a leader” ✨

Témoignage poignant de Faith 17 ans – Leader, étudiante & mère Un grand merci pour vos retours sur la couverture. Vous avez été 80% à préférer la version en deux parties qui a été confirmée auprès de l’éditeur ! Comme évoqué dans mon précédent mail, je vous propose une première rencontre incroyable avec Faith, une leader,…

Some of you have asked me the question: ✨”Why writing a book?” ✨

Je suis pas ni Gandhi, ni Elon Musk, ni un influenceur suivi par trois millions de followers. Pourquoi donc écrire un livre ? Pour être tout à fait honnête, je ne m’étais pas non plus posé la question jusqu’à ce que cette journaliste géniale me le suggère.  Je me suis longuement posé la question suivante…

Rewrite the future of 70 million children

Réécrire l’avenir de 70 millions d’enfants On ne mesure pas encore complètement l’impact du COVID-19 sur l’éducation des enfants, mais on sait déjà qu’il est considérable. La fermeture des écoles et les difficultés liées à l’apprentissage à la maison nous en donnent déjà un aperçu inquiétant. Au plus fort de la crise, 1,6 milliard d’enfants ont été…

Closing Ceremony Program Ambassador One 2020

«L’endroit où l’on est né ne devait pas déterminer si l’on doit vivre ou pas, ou si l’on doit être heureux ou non». Plus tôt cette année je me suis engagé aux côtés de One France, une organisation de plaidoyer qui lutte contre l’extrême pauvreté et les maladies évitables. Je me suis engagé car je désire…

Budget Bill : for Solidarity and Fairness

La mission principale de ONE, c’est d’en finir avec l’extrême pauvreté et les maladies évitables d’ici 2030. Pour ce faire, les pays disposent d’un outil puissant : l’aide publique au développement (APD). À travers des dons, des prêts ou d’autres mécanismes financiers, les pays développés peuvent contribuer au financement de projets dans les pays en développement…

PLF 2021 : Emmanuel Macron’s budget must be up to the current challenges

Aide publique au développement : on en est où ? La pandémie du COVID-19 a rendu d’autant plus cruciale la nécessité d’avoir une politique de développement à la hauteur des enjeux. Nous avions fait d’énormes progrès en matière de lutte contre l’extrême pauvreté depuis les années 1990 : ce n’est plus le cas. 120 millions…

The Northern Districts of Marseille, the Impression of Crossing a Border [Newsletter 2 France]

Salut à tous, English version below 🙂 Comment allez-vous ? Très rapidement, nous avons pris nos marques et repères au sein de Massabielle et les jours ont filé à toute allure. Ne pouvant être là dès le début de l’aventure, notre petite sœur Claire nous a rejoints à la fin de la première semaine. #Notre quotidien                                                                                                                                              …

Generation Activist : The Movement of Committed Youth

Depuis 2014, ONE s’appuie sur le programme des jeunes Ambassadeurs et Ambassadrices, un programme de bénévolat unique en Europe. Le temps d’une année, jeunes bénévoles, âgés de 16 à 30 ans et venus de toute la France, se mobilisent pour mener campagne et aller directement à la rencontre de personnalités politiques pour porter la parole…

How can our Generation End Extreme Poverty

Manifeste de One pour le Monde de demain « Dans le monde de demain, nous n’existons plus » Nous ne sommes pas encore débarrassés de la pandémie du COVID-19, mais l’heure est déjà venue de penser à la construction du « monde d’après ». Beaucoup se sont déjà prêtés à l’exercice, notamment sur l’avenir et les enjeux…

Our priorities for the European Budget

Alors que d’autres acteurs se retirent de la scène internationale, l’UE a l’occasion de faire preuve de leadership au niveau mondial : l’UE, et tout particulièrement le Parlement européen et la Commission européenne, doivent continuer à montrer l’exemple dans la lutte pour l’éradication de l’extrême pauvreté et l’atteinte des Objectifs de développement durable. C’est aussi…

The Importance of Gavi’s Work explained by Young Ambassadors

Le 4 juin prochain se tiendra la troisième conférence de reconstitution des ressources de Gavi, l’Alliance du vaccin, qui a pour objectif ambitieux d’atteindre au moins 7,4 milliards de dollars de financements supplémentaires pour la période 2021-2025. Au cours des 20 dernières années, Gavi a contribué à vacciner 760 millions d’enfants contre des maladies évitables et a…

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

Qu’est-ce que Gavi ? Gavi, l’Alliance du vaccin, est une organisation qui améliore l’accès aux vaccins pour les enfants les plus vulnérables du monde. Elle a été fondée en 2000 dans le but de « sauver des vies, réduire la pauvreté et protéger le monde contre la menace des épidémies ». L’organisation fournit des vaccins…

blisce/ becomes the first B Corp™ certified growth venture capital fund in the EU

Beyond proud to announce that blisce has become the first B Lab certified growth venture capital fund in the EU. B-Corp is both a certification and a legal status. To become a B-Corp we had to complete an assessment and audit process. The assessment looks at all aspects of our environmental practices, labor policies, organizational governance, investment strategy, and…

Open Letter from the young Ambassadors of ONE to Emmanuel Macron

Monsieur le Président de la République,  Nous sommes 50 jeunes Ambassadeurs et Ambassadrices de tout âge, venant de toutes les régions de France et intimement persuadés que l’accès à la santé doit être un droit pour tou·te·s. C’est pourquoi nous sommes mobilisé·e·s aux côtés de ONE, ONG internationale de plaidoyer et de mobilisation citoyenne. Il…

50 young people take action against extreme poverty with the NGO One

ONE compte plus de 320 jeunes Ambassadeurs et Ambassadrices, de plus de 35 nationalités différentes et réparti.e.s dans 7 pays européens. Paris, le 3 mars 2020 – 50 jeunes venus des quatre coins de la France ont été sélectionnés parmi des centaines de candidatures pour devenir les nouveaux jeunes Ambassadeurs et Ambassadrices de ONE, l’ONG…

Negzzia, Refugee, Homeless and Super Model. She Fights For a Dream

My name is Negzzia.  I was born on February 9, 1990 in Tehran, Iran.  My mother is a yoga teacher and my father is an engineer.  I am the only child. Since my childhood, I am passionate about the world of cinema, fashion, Art. From 18 to 24 years old, I worked as a photographer in Iran.  When I…

After Overseeing Hollywood Movies Such As Xmen and Start Wars, Scott Neeson Quitted Everything To Support Marginalized Kids

👋Have you already heard 👂about the Steung Meanchey garbage dump🗑️ in Cambodia🇰🇭 also called Smokey 💨Mountain? Until 2009, hundreds of children👩‍💼👨‍💼 were picking garbage to be sold for recycling♻️ on this 6 hectares dumping ground. It was one of the most toxic☣️ environment imaginable. Since 2004, Cambodian Children’s fund CCF is fighting to transform impoverished kids…

The Futures Factory, an NGO Led Shopping Center For Social Enterprises in Cambodia

✌️As you know, I travelled 🌏this summer🌞 to Cambodia 🇰🇭for a full immersion with Friends International which is a leading social enterprise🚀 saving😀 lives and building⚒️ futures of the most marginalized children 👦👧in South East Asia. Their secret sauce is brilliant🌟. They are building social enterprises to teach 👨‍🏫youth practical & soft skills in promising industries🍴💇‍♂️…

Darong Transferred 5 schools for Deaf and Blind Children to the Ministry of Education in Cambodia

✌️We met Darong Chour, director of the 🚀NGO☀️ Krousar Thmey. A leading NGO based in Cambodia 🇰🇭supporting blind and deaf children👨👧. The adventure started because in the 1990s, there were no infrastructures🏗️ to support blind and deaf children. Education 👨‍🏫was the key🗝️ priority. To make sure children get a proper education👨‍🎓, the team developed a Khmer version of the Braille…

Frederic Is Leading A Team of 600 Water Entrepreneurs In Cambodia

👋We had the chance 🍀to cross the road🚶 of Frederic Dubois 👨who is leading a team of 600 water 💦entrepreneurs🚀. In rural areas⛏️, water contamination is the leading cause of disease🤒 and death ☠️in these populations. The association 1001 fountains, does it speak to you?📣 An exciting 😃adventure on access to drinking water 💦in rural areas! They are…

Rithy Ambitions To Create An Eco-Community To Protect 100 000 Hectares From Deforestation

👋At 17 years old, Rithy Thul👦 had lost almost everything 🙇… However, he is an entrepreneur at heart♥️ and a fighter⚔️! In his thirties, he is now the central 🎯figure of the Cambodia🇰🇭 startup ecosystem with a company producing state-of-the-art computers💻 mixing power 🌀and accessibility🔓, the first co-working 🏢space launched in Cambodia, as well as the status of the most…

Friends International Is Convinced About The Benefits Of Tech and Aims At Being Fully Digitalized

👋After completing our mission 🚀at Friends International which was to support 🤝on the identification and implementation of a recruitment platform to ensure the matching 🔥/ tracking🔎 of hundreds of beneficiaries👦👧, we shared our report📄. We have recommended the implementation of two integrated solutions🖥️: Oscar and Salesforce. What we really appreciated is their real desire to digitalize all their programs. We had interesting…

Digitalization As A Powerful Tool To Make NGO’s Operations More Efficient

👋Convincing a donor to🌠 support an 👨‍🏫educational program is much more concrete and attractive 🧲than financing 💰office rentals or IT 💻 software that are just as important. Many NGOs are therefore forced to under-staff or✂️ limit certain key expenditure items, particularly those related to the admin. To our knowledge, 3 levers may apply to cover…

Friends International Set to Turn Street Kids Into Business Owners

👋Friends International was founded 🚀25 years ago by a French 🇨🇵social entrepreneur, Sebastien Marot. This NGO 🌠can be considered as a social enterprise. Their mission is clear: protecting marginalized children 👦👧and their families and training👨‍🏫 them with professional skills leading to a full time employment 👨‍💼in Cambodia 🇰🇭& South East Asia. We have been impressed by the professionalism…

Moussa Trains the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs To Fight For Social Integration

✌️In sensitive 💥urban areas in France🇨🇵, the unemployment rate is 2X📈 higher than the national average. For Moussa, economic integration is the cornerstone of social success🚀. In 2015, Moussa launched Les Déterminés, a mission driven🌠 NGO🌠 aiming at supporting the success of entrepreneurs in sensitive💥 urban and rural areas. Self-taught👨‍🏫 and resolutely audacious, Moussa started…

Benoit Created The Khmer Braille For Blind Children In Cambodia

👋Do you know the life ⚕️expectancy of a Cambodian🇰🇭 child becoming blind in the 90’s ? 2 years! 😢Benoit is the founder👨‍💼 of Krousar Thmey (“New Family”) a leading NGO 🚀based in Cambodia supporting blind and deaf children👦👧. Becoming blind or deaf in Cambodia was like a death ☠️sentence because there was neither support nor infrastructure🏢 to address those problem🔃….

Cyrielle Hariel Impact Journalist and World Explorer – “Change Our Mind With Positive People”

👋Are you fed up with dark side 😒headlines from traditional media🗞️? If that’s your case, follow🌠 Cyrielle Hariel’s journey🤩. She is an enthusiastic 🔥& positive🌠 journalist🎙️ travelling 🧳the world 🌍with a clear objective: showcase the positive impact🌠🚀 brought by citizens👨🧑, individuals and entrepreneurs. Since 2014, she travelled 100 000km and interviewed🎤 400+ change-makers from the Dalai…

Mesut Is Disrupting The Scholarship System With a Cutting Edge Technology Platform in Turkey

👋Did know that in Turkey🇹🇷 40% of the young graduates 👨‍🎓👩‍🎓are unemployed? Nowadays, many promising students are working hard ⚒️to make sure they could get a job 👨‍💼👩‍💼after graduation. However, being accepted in a tier one Turkish 🇹🇷or International🌍 University is not enough. They need to pay💰 for the University fees and many of them…

To Fight Pollution and Sanitation Issues,Odgerel Is Building Sustainable Community Infrastructures

🙌Why do Hundreds of Children 👦👧die 😥every year in the Ger Areas around Ulan Bator in Mongolia🇲🇳? There are two major issues💥: Heavy pollution 🏭& Sanitation ⚕️issues due to the absence of public infrastructures🏨. 60% of the Ulan Bator population👨 live in Ger Areas which are disorganized housing🏘️ areas built with very limited urbanization facilities…

Belinda – From Slum To a Career of Professional Footballer

👋Currently professional 🏟️footballer⚽, Belinda did not forget🔙 where she came from. Every day, she comes back training🏃‍♀️ with her previous team🏁. Located in Kibera🇰🇪, the largest urban slum in Africa, she wants to empower and teach younger kids👦👧. Belinda is 19 years old and 3rdborn in a family of 4👨‍👨‍👧‍👦. When she was younger, she…

They Teach, Empower, Console, Encourage, Teachers are True Heroes

Teachers 👨‍🏫are a cornerstone of our society. We all remember a great teacher who encouraged us during hard⛰️ times, who told us that we could make it or who punished 😢us for a reason that we understood few years later. They are true 😎💪heroes! I will never forget my discussion with the head teacher of…

Entrepreneur and Immigrant, Asmaa Uses Cooking as Powerful Weapon to Fight Prejudices

👋Can you imagine cooking 👨‍🍳as a powerful weapon🚀 to fight cultural 📚prejudices? That is Asmaa’s secret weapon! Born in Morocco🇲🇦, she studied accounting before immigrating to France🇨🇵. Without the right diplomas & cultural codes, her integration was a challenge ⛰️but she did not give up. After several jobs in accountability and telemarketing, she decided to…

Sarah and Her Impact Driven Team Support 77 000 Disadvantaged in Bugaria

Few years back, Sarah would have never imagined launching Trust for Social Achievement a leading organization in Bulgaria with an ambitious vision: Help Bulgaria’s most disadvantaged achieve educational & economic success. After working a decade in large US institutions, she had the opportunity to conduct research on social inclusion in Bulgaria. Her lifetime mission became…

Aleksandar Co-Founded the Largest Bulgarian Media For Positive and Inspiring News

👉Who is fed up reading news🗞️ every morning 🥐about violence💥, sex 🔞 and drugs 💊across the world🌍? Personally, I am!😐 Especially when I know that so many inspiring known & unknown leaders are fighting⚔️ to make the world🌐 a better place! In Bulgaria 🇧🇬, I spent one evening🍺 with Aleksandar, the 🚀co-founder of Uspelite🚀, the…

Bob – CEO of the largest East African company fighting hard for transparency

Hi everyone,👋 Do you know Bob? 👋Bob is the CEO👨‍⚖️ of Safaricom🛰️, the largest company🏨 in East Africa. I met with Bob in Nairobi🇰🇪 to discuss about purpose💫, transparency & corruption. He is not only one of the most successful🚀 leader in Kenya but also an inspiring activist capitalist. For him, corruption is currently pretty rough💥…

Peter wants to rebuild the slum of Kibera with decent homes

👋Hi Everyone👋, Have you met Peter? Peter is a young Kenyan 🇰🇪 leader with a BIG dream. He was born in the middle of Kibera, one of the largest African slum located in the south of Nairobi. Living in Kibera was his biggest challenge 💥 in life. He said: “You do not have dreams, you…

Omar – Father, Electrician, Ex-Military and Refugee

Hi Everyone, Last Thursday I finished late and I was looking to grab sushis 🍣 on the way back home. Nearby the shop 🏬, I met with Omar. He did not ask for money 💰 but just something for dinner 🍴. I offered him to order with me and we finally spent the all evening…

Paul Duan — Data Science Genius Fighting against unemployment

Hi Everyone👋, I had the chance to meet with Paul Duan👨, the inspiring founder of Bayes Impact, the Y Combinator-backed NGO which builds citizen-led public services to create a fairer and inclusive future for our societies. By leveraging data science 💻, they achieved outstanding impacts: 800 police agencies 👮use their tool to reduce violence 💥…

“Hello”, So simple but also so important!

Hi Everybody, Do you know La Nuit de la solidarité? It’s a survey 📝launched by Anne Hidalgo to count and profile homeless people in Paris 🇨🇵 in order to improve social services. Last Thursday was the 2nd edition. Clément, one of my colleagues suggested our team to join as volunteers. Our mission: count and survey…

Andi Develops 3.0 coding classes to train people for the new economy

Hi Everyone, Most developers and tech guys in Romania live in Cluj-Napoca which is also called the Silicon Valley of Romania. Willing to better understand the ecosystem, I met Andi a young and ambitious full stack developer 💻. Few months before, he had quitted his well-paid job to join Carmel as a Co-founder 🚀. Carmel…

The World is getting better but most people ignore it!

Hi Everyone, Few days ago, I had the chance to be 100m below the sea 🌊 level to visit the massive mines ⛏️of Salt in Turda Transilvania 🇷🇴. Launched in 1271, the salt was all extracted manually ✊ by workers 👨and horses 🐎 working in horrific conditions. For example, after two weeks, horses were becoming blind and after 6 months, they had to retire….

#StrongerTogether 5 NGOs 5 Countries 1 Project

Hi Everyone, During my stay in Cluj Napoca, I had the chance to spend one afternoon with a group project led by the city hall of Cluj Napoca. 5 NGOs from Roumania 🇷🇴, Albania 🇦🇱, Poland 🇵🇱, Bulgaria 🇧🇬 and Portugal 🇵🇹 focusing on social and economic inclusion of young children 👦👧 with disabilities gathered together. They started the preparation of…

Civil War Refugee at 14 to Entrepreneur

Hi everyone, This week-end, I decided to stop by Cluj-Napoca in Transylvania 🇷🇴. City well known as the economic heart of Romania. Exhausted due to my flight delay ✈️, I arrived very early in the morning at my hotel. After a 15-minute nap, I was awake by Bala, my roommate. A 50 year old man…

Final Outcome Carolina for Kibera [Newsletter 3 Kenya]

Salut la Familia, les Amis, Blisce, EPIC, K35 et Partenaires, => English version below  Time is flying! 🙂 Cette aventure est passée à toute vitesse. Cette dernière semaine fut particulièrement studieuse avec d’un côté: Marine finalisant son outil de tracking et de monitoring des stocks tout en s’assurant que l’équipe de pharmaciens prennent en main l’outil et de mon côté, coup de rush pour…

Impact assessment Carolina for Kibera [Newsletter 2 Kenya]

Salut la Familia, les Amis, Blisce, EPIC et Partenaires, English version below Voici quelques nouvelles toutes fraîches! Nos missions avancent bien, Marine passe la plupart de ses journées à la clinique. L’équipe y est toujours aussi sympathique & dévouée 🙂 Le projet sur l’optimisation des stocks prend forme. La réserve des médicaments est désormais ré-organisée…

Impact assessment Carolina for Kibera [Newsletter 1 Kenya]

Salut la Familia, les Potes, Blisce, EPIC et Partenaires, English version below Nous sommes bien arrivés à 6h20 du mat à Nairobi lundi dernier après une escale à Dubai. Direction la famille Siteki, notre famille d’accueil pour une douche rapide et le temps de poser nos sacs, puis direction Carolina for Kibera pour un début…

Impact assessment and Safari [Newsletter 3 Uganda]

Coucou la familia, Salut les potos, Cher Blisce, Cher EPIC, English version below Me voilà tout fraîchement rentré de cette nouvelle aventure hors du commun! Mon chançard de frère a pu profiter de quelques heures de plus au bord de la piscine avant de prendre son avion de retour. Voici quelques infos sur nos péripéties…

On the field in Kanungu and Rukungiri [Newsletter 2 Uganda]

Salut la Familia, les Potos, Blisce & EPIC, English version below Comment allez-vous ? Depuis la dernière newsletter, mon frère Quentin m’a rejoint le vendredi 4 août mais non sans encombres avec plus de 5 heures dans les bouchons pour rejoindre Kampala. Tellement bloqué que le driver s’est arrêté au bord de la route à plusieurs…

Arrival and meeting with Nyaka [Newsletter 1 Uganda]

Salut à tous, Je suis arrivé à Kampala depuis lundi matin. Je sais que certains me diront que j’ai clairement tardé à donner des nouvelles. C’est vrai et pour une fois, je n’ai pas vraiment d’excuse! 🙂 J’ai commencé cette nouvelle aventure passionnante par ni plus ni moins un tour du monde! Si vous souhaitez obtenir…

Apnalaya, I will never forget [Newsletter 3 India]

Coucou la Team des Sion–Lesbros, les Grands-parents, la Familia, les Potes, Team Blisce, Time is flying! Je vous écris ma dernière newsletter avant de rentrer. Comme pour beaucoup de trips, le temps passe vraiment vite! 🙂 Apnalaya, une expérience toujours plus forte L’intensité est montée ces derniers jours en termes de travail mais aussi d’un point de vue relationnel. En termes de travail, c’est génial! Quelques…

Taj Mahal, what an incredible monument [Newsletter 2 India]

Coucou la Team des Sion-Lesbros, les Grands-parents, la Familia, les Potes,  Team Blisce, Comment allez vous? J’espère que vos vacances se passent bien! Trip à Delhi sur le week end: Le point marquant de cette semaine: Le Taj Mahal! Dans le Lonely planet, on parle d’un incontournable. J’irai même plus loin, je dirai que c’est un…

Today was the best day since the beginning! [Newletter 1 India]

Coucou la Team des Sion–Lesbros, les Grands-parents, la Familia, Team Blisce, Tout d’abord merci à tous pour vos messages qui m’ont fait super plaisir! Comme promis, voici les dernières nouvelles de ce fameux périple Indien! Je suis sur place depuis tout juste une semaine et déjà je suis en mesure de dire que ce trip me marquera à vie de par…